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Enroll for this free "course" which contains recordings of Webinars by Certara University and Certara partners. Recordings will be added in on-going basis. Recordings of the express webinars on Phoenix (30 minutes) can be found in [001-TU] Phoenix Tips and Tricks -Short Videos and Express Webinars   Read more

Complimentary Phoenix Tutorials Enroll in this complimentary course to watch tutorials for Phoenix version 8.2.  The course contains tutorials for Phoenix WinNonlin and Phoenix NLME.  You will be required to sign in or create a new login to Certara University after selecting the 'Enroll' button.   Select 'Start Learning Now' to view the tutorials.  You can also locate this course under 'My Courses' area at  www.certarauniversity.com at any time. Tutorial 1 - Get Started with Phoenix WinNonlin 8.2 In this short video tutorial you will learn how to get started using Phoenix 8.2. This tutorial is intended for new users of Phoenix software. The video takes you through: Importing data Plotting data Non-Compartmental Analysis Summarizing and Tabulating results Tutorial 2 - Get Started with Phoenix NLME 8.2 In this short video tutorial you will learn how to get started using Phoenix NLME 8.2. This tutorial is intended for new users of Phoenix software with an NLME license for Population PK/PD Modeling. The video takes you through: Importing data Plotting data Phoenix Model Object Model Structure Initial Estimates Define Residual Error Model Covariate Analysis Comparing Population Models Certara University offers many other courses to expand your theoretical and practical knowledge of PK/PD analysis using the Phoenix software. Read more

Complimentary Tutorial This introductory set of tutorial videos are designed for administrators (3 video tutorials) , QA (1 video), end-users (5 video tutorials), and archivists (1 video tutorial) of Certara Integral.  Administrator tutorials familiarize administrators with Integral security and folder organization.  The Admin and QA tutorial shows how to obtain Integral system audit reports End-user tutorials explain how to use the Integral Phoenix Client, the Integral Client Application and the integral Web Client.  The Phoenix Client is designed to be used by Phoenix users.  The tutorial takes a first time user through the basics of using Certara's Integral with the Phoenix client. You see how to create studies, upload data, and link analyses between the two tools. We show how data changes are recorded and tracked when updates are made to the source data.  The second end-user tutorial teaches users how to use Integral with other agnostic analysis tools using the Phoenix Client App.  The third tutorial discusses how to use the Integral Web-Client for users that might not be doing analysis but need access to the data in Integral. The archivist tutorial provides a high level review of Integral and demonstrates how to lock and unlock folders. In addition the 'What is New in Integral' sections outlines changes done to Integral in the newer versions. Module 12 has tips for using integral.  For example how to share an integral Phoenix project with someone who doesn't have Integral. Read more

Complimentary Phoenix WinNonlin 8.3 Tutorial Enroll in this complimentary course to watch a tutorial for Phoenix WinNonlin version 8.3.  You will be required to sign in or create a new login to Certara University after selecting the 'Enroll' button.  If you have previously enrolled, go to your Dashboard to find this tutorial course.   Certara University offers many other courses to expand your theoretical and practical knowledge of PK/PD analysis using the Phoenix software. Read more

Phoenix NLME 8.3 Tutorial Enroll in this complimentary course to watch a tutorial for Phoenix NLME version 8.3.  You will be required to sign in or create a new login to Certara University after selecting the 'Enroll' button.  If you have previously enrolled, go to your Dashboard to find this tutorial course.   In this short video tutorial you will learn how to get started using Phoenix NLME 8.3. This tutorial is intended for new users of Phoenix software with an NLME license for Population PK/PD Modeling. Certara University offers many other courses to expand your theoretical and practical knowledge of PK/PD analysis using the Phoenix software. Read more

Complimentary Phoenix IVIVC 8.3 Tutorial Enroll in this complimentary course to watch a tutorial for Phoenix IVIVC version 8.3.    You will be required to sign in or create a new login to Certara University after selecting the 'Enroll' button.   Select 'Start Learning Now' to view the tutorial.  If you have previously enrolled, go to your Dashboard to find this tutorial course. Certara University offers many other courses to expand your theoretical and practical knowledge of PK/PD analysis using the Phoenix software. Read more

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